• Object stuck between teeth: if something becomes lodged between the teeth, from food particles to an object, do not attempt to remove with a pick or sharp object. Rinse the area gently or use dental floss if possible. Contact our office is this is unsuccessful.
• Chipped or cracked tooth: to remove any debris or food particles from the area of damage, rinse the mouth gently with cool water. If a piece has broken off and can be saved, place in a container of cold milk and bring with you to the office.
• Tooth pain: sudden or throbbing tooth pain can have a variety of causes and should be evaluated by one of our dentists. Cold compresses on the outside of the cheek and/or over the counter pain medication can be used to reduce discomfort until you can be seen.
• Knocked out tooth: if the tooth is intact and can be located, pick up by the crown (top) of the tooth and attempt to place back into the socket. If this cannot be done without significant pain, either hold between the cheek and gums or place in warm milk to attempt to save the tooth